MCF is an independent corporate finance and investment advisory firm
Since its inception in 2014, MCF has become a pivotal player in complex transactions and projects within the rapidly evolving economies and high-growth potential countries of the Middle East and Africa (MEA) region, strategically positioning itself in Tunis, Casablanca, and Dubai.
Thanks to its deep knowledge of the MEA region, MCF has managed to become a regional specialist, committed to providing professional and independent advisory services to a large international and regional client base on various strategic and financial subjects.
Recognized for its integrity, experience, reputation, reliability, independence and long-term trust relationships with its clients, our team has built a strong expertise and has unique access to the regional economic players and to quality cross-border deals from our partners around the world, notably the Globalscope business network.
Financial advisory
Financial advisory is MCF’s main business.
Given their large experience, our team members have developed a strong expertise in the various folds of financial advisory both at regional and international…
Private Equity
As a corporate finance and investment specialist, MCF has initiated in 2017 a cycle of private equity initiatives in the MEA region that will be accompanied and overseen by its team
Our credentials
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